- Genre of Television programming that show cases unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, actual events and usually features people who are not professional actors.
- Documentaries and nonfictional programming such as news and sports shows are usually not classified as reality shows.
- The shows portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality and sensationalize the text to attract more of an audience.
- Participants are often placed abnormal situations and some times staged to create an illusion of reality, through editing and other post production techniques.
News values
- Term used by researchers to describe the various criteria involved in the selection of news by broadcasters and journalists
- First identified by Galtung and Ruge
- Frequency: news has to be daily and frequent basis to meet schedules
- Cultural Proximity; news to be close to home or related to home issues
- Thresholds; news needs to be sufficient enough to generate attention
- Negativity ; bad news has priority over good news
- Predictability; news tends to anticipate and justify expected outcomes
- Unexpectedness; news has to seem unexpected, even though is may take place in predicted patterns
- Continuity; follow-up elements of a big story are seen as newsworthy
- Unambiguity; Events need to be clear enough for the audience to understand
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