Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Half Term Homework


-Identified audience - Rehearsed
-Stereotypes - Referred to Zeitgeist
-Simple - Wider audiences
-Emotion - Used Media Terminology
-Races - New Demographics
-Homosexual - Confident
-Binary Oppositions


- Keep suits as a convention
- No extremes
- Theorists
- Females

Action Plan for production

Week 1 - Come up with full storyline and sketch story boards

Week 2 - Identify characters and setting of film. Also research as we progress

Week 3 - Start filming and complete filming

Week 4 - Seep through footage, start editing and agree on what shots and footage to use

Week 5 - Finish editing and complete production

Weekly progress

we have already come up with our storyline and established how the production will be shot. Also the narrative structure and what will shown to the audience.

Research into Genre

Alot of the research found whilst producing our essay for the critical investigation is going to be used. As it is relevant for our essay titles and the linked production. Any further information on genre required for our production will be found. During the process of the production.

Films such as Snatch, Lockstock as well as Adulthood have been considered and revised in order to produce our production.

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