Saturday, 2 January 2010

Task 5 - detailed plan

Task 5- detailed plan 


In this paragraph I will discuss my topic title which is “An investigation into the on-screen gangster. How has traditional representation changed to reflect the shifting nature of masculinity?” Also I will take this time to introduce my primary current text along side my historical one. Furthermore, by giving a brief outline of the major themes and ideologies that will be explored in the essay, will be a good way of introducing my essay.

1st paragraph

The content that will be included in this paragraph will be a good stating point, as the gangster genre history will be explored here. References to Andrew Tudor’s theory, Warshow, Ryall and ‘pursuit of the American dream’ will be included here which links directly to my historical text.

A description of how traditional gangster films where based on real life gangsters such as Al Capone will be explored.

Typical codes and conventions will be illustrated and how these affected other gangster films.

2nd paragraph

In this paragraph I will focus on my historical text, which is “Scarface” and how this text contains elements that theorists have discussed. After this I will discuss the reasons as to why certain aspects like drug dealing was so easy back in the 1970’s, as a result I can link this back to historical as well as political. Also I can talk about the traditional gangster and why he does not show any emotion. This could be linked back to social, as people who showed emotion in the past where considered to be gay, which results in them being excluded from society. The theory of stereotypes can be used in this situation.

3rd paragraph   

This paragraph can be used to explore my current text and compare my two texts and draw similarities and differences in codes and conventions. The representation of the new gangster can be explored here and how the theories that describe the traditional gangster cannot be applied here. Reference to other texts can be included here like the sopranos and how they break the stereotypes in gangsters, due to programme showing the gangsters emotional side. Also reference to ‘American Gangster” can be made here, as this also breaks the traditional conventions. However, when a gangster with different demographics is used people feel they are being targeted for producing criminal activity, which can be linked back to stereotyping, as some black people feel as if people are judging them upon stereotypes. The concept can link back to social implications. The theory of ethnicity and hegemony can linked to this.

4th paragraph

The content in this paragraph can describe the reasons as to why gangster films are changing.  I can refer to the zeitgeist in this situation, to describe why it is that men can be more emotional in society today. The fact that the new legislation has been passed about gay marriage and homosexuality has allowed many more people to be more open about their emotions. Linking this back to my current text, which demonstrates a homosexual gangster, I can evaluate the reasons as to why people have not lost respect for him and how he is still considered a masculine man.

5th paragraph

The last paragraph flows on very well to this paragraph, as I can draw up the arguments for the masculinity crisis and against. Here I can talk about the theory of moral panic, as people see men are being more open about their emotions and over reacting. The typical representation of the masculine man is broke giving birth to the ‘new man’. This wears off on to new gangster movies, which alter the representation of the gangster.  


In this part of my essay I will be able to discuss why the representation of gangsters have changed and how this links back to the crisis of masculinity. I will draw on the main points as to why this representation has been altered, for example new legislation being put into place. 

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