Textual analysis on “A Very British Gangster”.
When analysing my current primary text, it was difficult to choose a significant and precise extract that will give me enough room to analyse all relevant areas, this is the main reason why my extract is 15 minutes long.
From watching the extract, the props and setting used all help to connote a gangster life or signal the film is a gangster genre. Such props include costumes as all characters shown in the mise en scene, are seen to be wearing black suits. The setting gives the audience an insight as to where the criminal activity is going to take place and helps set the picture.
At the start of the extract we see 4 to 5 males of a white origin, walking through a town centre, all dressed in black surrounding one male, which illustrates to the audience who the gang leader is. Throughout this sequence we see a range of shots being used to place the audience in various different situations for example we see the gangsters through a CCTV’s perspective which could suggest an idea of them being watched by the police. This large variety of shots helps build up suspense and tension as the audience do not know where the characters are going and why.
Part of this scene is filtered in black and white, which helps promote the film is of a gangster genre. This is because traditional gangster films where shot in black and white giving it a classical yet modern finish.
The genre of this film is hybrid, as it contains elements of a documentary, as well as a crime and gangster genre. The gang members shown in the extract, help connote the film is of a gangster genre, due to their appearance. For example, they are seen to be wearing black suits that all traditional gangsters wear. The fact that all characters are bald, demonstrates thuggish values and the age of these gang members illustrates the foolishness and vulnerability of these young males and how easy it is for them to be caught up in violence, as well as criminal activity.
The representation of these gangsters created through the manner they speak in and how open they are about murdering people or robbing security vans, gives an insight to the audience on how raw and ruthless this group of people are. Also the fact that most gang members are below the age of 21 exemplifies the leader does not have any consideration for the youth’s lives. In addition, youths today are the group of people who are seen to be stabbing or shooting others, which is sensationalised through the media and often is mediated to create meanings. Because of this, moral panics are created and often led to stereotyping certain groups in society.
Even though the leader of the gang is shown to be powerful and cold-blooded, the extract shocks the audience when the gangster admits to being homosexual. However, the audience perception may not change as he comes across as a masculine and dangerous man. This breaks the traditional stereotypical view of a homosexual male, however this is only because the character is a well know, respected gangster from Manchester. His masculinity is not challenged, as he carries himself as a heterosexual individual and does not dwell upon his homosexuality.
The text is targeted at both male and female audiences of a white working class. This is evident through the characters shown within the film, who are all predominately white working class individuals. However, it can be argued that Manchester is area that is populated by people with similar demographics and the population of ethnic minorities is miniscule.
The ideologies behind this text are fairly different to most gangster films. For example “A very British Gangster” offers an alternative representation of a homosexual male. The film breaks the stereotypical view on homosexuality, as the gangster is not someone who loves shopping, acts bitchy and is fairly camp. Instead, we have a male with a family and kids, who is one of the most well known gangsters in the area of Manchester, who happens to be gay.
The narrative follows a documentary style, as we are introduced to the character and throughout the film the audience follows his daily routines and listens to stories of his gangster lifestyle. The film does not have a basic storyline or structure; instead the documentary is considered a film because of its length, as it resembles a feature long film.
Socially the text can be used for people to refer to and discuss, as the gangster that the film is about is not a typical thug. Also many people from urban, run down areas can use the text to identify with, as the area may be similar to theirs.
Historically, films like “The Krays” which was a gangster film based upon real gangsters in the 1990s, was one of the first films purely based on real gangsters. We can “A Very British Gangster” rooted from “The Krays” because it focuses on real life characters. Historically, for someone let alone a gangster to admit being gay was rare, however in society today gay marriage and homosexuality is fairly common, therefore people are allowed to be more open, due to new legislation.